During the entrepreneur exchange project, cooperation partners from Latvia visited enterprises in Green Riverland region in March 2018.

Klaara-Manni Holiday Centre, Tori Cider Farm and Community Centre hosted entrepreneurs from Latvia, carrying through also excursions in interesting companies nearby. The exchange trip started with consultations about hand-made wine and cider. As we had got some interesting cooperation ideas, while visiting our cooperation partners in Latvia, we started developing them further here in extended company of specialists. Ricards Ivanovs, the representative of Latvia`s wine producers, and Tiina Kuuler, Estonia’s handicraft wine field leader form Veinivilla joined us.

Wine-making ideas being dicussed at Klaara-Manni Holiday Centre.


Our second exchange day started with cider – we visited Tori Cider Farm. As our exchange partners are not focused on making cider, it was interesting for them to observe the special equipment and cider-making process of an enterprise which is still in active process of development.

At Energy Farm we saw herb-growing and extra services that come with it. Guests complimented the wholeness of the complex and its architectural solution.

At Piesta Kuusikaru Farm hosts told us about making apple juice and other apple products, also about the history of the farm.

The second day ended with big party at Klaara-Manni Holiday Centre.

During their last morning here our quests could look into soil production at Matogard.

Entrepreneurs from Latvia were from Lavender Villa, Durbes Veltes and Aizputes Vins.

Līdzīgi stāsti

Piia Viljasuo no Somijas uzņem ciemos Z/S “Bētras” (TEPAT)

Sadarbībā ar Lauku partnerība “Lielupe” piedalījāmies projektā “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos”.

Devāmies pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Somiju pie saimnieces Piia Viljasuo Piian Herkut, kur apguvām prasmes kā pagatavot garšīgu marmelādi.

Katram savs sapnis, kas piepildīts!

LEADER sadarbības projekta “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos” ietvaros
2018.gada augusta sākumā, uzņēmuma Miesai un Garam pārstāvji no Lauku partnerības “Lielupe” uzņēma pie sevis un pēc tam piedalījās pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Igauniju pie vietējās rīcības grupas “Green Riverland” teritorijā esošā uzņēmuma Energia Talu-Ravimtaimekeskus ja Öko-Spa.