Isa and Miina arrived on Friday, 5.01.2018 in Tallinn. From the port, we headed to Vana-Sirge rabbit farm, where we had dinner.


On Friday, 6.01 after breakfast we had a walk in Viru bog.

At noon, we visited the workshop of a local ceramics producer Virve Kerm in Kolga. She gave an overview of her workshop, answered our questions and showed us her work in progress.

We had a light lunch at Kuusiku Nature Farm with the hostess Sirje Kuusik. She also showed us around and introduced accommodation possibilities at the farm.

Then, we visited Madi Holiday House, where hostess Pille Rüütel introduced us her accommodation possibilities and made a little excursion at her place.

For the evening, we arrived at Vana-Sirge, where we introduced rabbit farm to our guests, followed by dinner where also local handicraft wines were tasted.

On Sunday, 7.01 after breakfast we headed to Pudisoo Holiday House (Annenhof), wheer hostess Anne Masing showed home accommodation possibilities. After luch at Vana-Sirge we drove to Tallinn, where after a brief sightseeing in the Old Town, the guests left at the Port.


Līdzīgi stāsti

Piia Viljasuo no Somijas uzņem ciemos Z/S “Bētras” (TEPAT)

Sadarbībā ar Lauku partnerība “Lielupe” piedalījāmies projektā “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos”.

Devāmies pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Somiju pie saimnieces Piia Viljasuo Piian Herkut, kur apguvām prasmes kā pagatavot garšīgu marmelādi.

Katram savs sapnis, kas piepildīts!

LEADER sadarbības projekta “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos” ietvaros
2018.gada augusta sākumā, uzņēmuma Miesai un Garam pārstāvji no Lauku partnerības “Lielupe” uzņēma pie sevis un pēc tam piedalījās pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Igauniju pie vietējās rīcības grupas “Green Riverland” teritorijā esošā uzņēmuma Energia Talu-Ravimtaimekeskus ja Öko-Spa.