Several great graphical solutions were born during the first stage of cooperation of Tartu`s Art School and project „Sustainable entrepreneurship in countryside“ and it was a good experience for all of us.
Aita Tikkimistuba, Karjamõisa, Keraamikamoor, Lahe Maamees, Lauli Loovstuudio, Mageda VL “Kodumesi”, Mätta Hoburakendid, Piesta Kuusikaru, Rebase Talu, Taali Mesila, Vaksali Trahter ja Ökokuller/Visit Lahemaa are participating in this cooperation project. What is it, that entrepreneurs need, was being found out first. For that all the needs were discussed with marketing expert Katrin Kull. Then a briefing was prepared for Tartu`s Art School students, to create graphical solutions according to our marketing needs. For most our entrepreneurs usable solutions were found during the first stage of the project. Some are moving into the next stage of our project, or joining us in order to deal with the design problems deeply.
Heli Preismann, the leader of the Lauli Creative Studio joined the project to find a logo for the studio. „My studio`s target group is everyone who is interested in creative self-expression, from children to grown ups. In my website`s heading I used a photo with studio`s name on it, but while preparing a newspaper ad, not having a real logo, turned out to be a problem,“ says Heli.
Lauli Creative Studio visual.
“I need a logo which would be flowing, fluent and soft, not angular, colorful and playful, was written down into the briefing for Tartu`s Art School students. Also, I asked to offer a slogan, if possible,” Heli describes the working process.
Marketing expert Katrin Kull was very pleased with the results: “It was a pleasant surprise for me, when students showed their solution. The logo was graphically mature and one hundred percent what we were looking for. There was only one small development suggestion from my side. Students team also worked out a nice slogan, it turned out to be more than we expected.”
Lauli Creative Studio`s new logo
The authors of the graphical solution Siiri Hyttinen, Mari-Liis Järg and Mai Raet comment: “At first we looked at the briefing and searched for visuals from the Internet about the Lauli Creative Studio. Home page seemed to have the most information and it had an emotion of a cosy and creative environment. Also we noticed a colorful piece of art made from planks and ceramic letters outside the house. Those two were recurring elements for us, in many pictures, clearly a part of Lauli. We decided to add these elements in one or the other way into the final result. We all started to draw and with Katrin Kull`s counselling we chose the sketches which we showed to our client.”
“The creative process started with trying out different fonts, but as it was a handicraft and creativity theme, I decided that the logo and the slogan both should be written by hand,” describes the process Siiri Hyttinen. “The goal was to create a soft and flowing text from letters, as our client had wished for. At the same time the result had to be without strict borders, but look professional. The choice of colours was born at the studio – a piece of art on the wall inspired us.”
A slogan, made for the Lauli Creative Studio
“Heli was a dream client during the whole process. She knew what she wanted, at the same time her feedback was encouraging and guiding to further ideas. It made designer`s work a lot easier. The final version was born quickly and we never had to wait too long for Heli`s answers. The feeling – we are doing a good and necessary thing to the client, who appreciates it, was in the air during the whole process. The biggest lesson for us was sitting on the same side of the table with the client, this makes the process easy and the result enjoyable.”
The project manager from Tartu`s Art School Janika Nõmmela directed students to work independently and to solve problems.
“In educating designers our teaching has been based on a principal, learning is the most effective when students are actually working. It gives more experience than theoretical tasks: all parts use their professional knowledge, develop social- and cooperation skills and concentrate on achieving joint goals, feedback the process and create the synergy. We have tried different cooperation forms in teaching earlier, this time students from the final course could work with clients in small teams, sharing experiences and supporting each other. Creative solutions were made during the firm graphics course, Deniss Jeršov was the teacher from the school`s side and Katrin Kull supported the students as a design leader from the client`s side. For now all students, who participated in this project have graduated the school and are starting their professional careers as designers. But the project continues and new challenges are waiting”.
We asked for feedback when the first stage of the project ended. Entrepreneurs and students both wanted to deepen into this project. Students are hoping that during the school course they would have more time to do this work, entrepreneurs wish to get closer contacts with the students. Students also want to communicate closer. Why this did not happen needs yet to be analyzed. Students also wished to get quicker and more constructive feedback to their sketches. From entrepreneurs` side it would help if solutions would not be given at last possible minute, so the project could move peacefully.
“I liked the results and I got the inner feeling that I am doing the right thing for myself and my design side needs developing. I recognized my style, it brought peace. I liked that our communication was concrete and as an entrepreneur I also wish to be concrete. Right things come to you, sometimes it is not necessary to welcome them all, to put up with everything, to worry too much, to regret,” comments her participation in this project Heli Preismann.
The second phase of design counselling started in March 2018.