In spring, a design consultancy project together with Tartu Art School was launched, to help to design logos, packages, websites etc for rural entrepreneurs. First stage of the project in spring 2017 gave us the first experience of cooperation. Now, in autumn season we will be starting the second stage of the project. As we have learned, we need more communication between students and entrepreneurs in order to have clear direction for design work. And, we’ll also try to keep our eyes on the schedule in order to be ready to offer help, whenever the solutions get stuck.

“Usually, good communication is of critical importance for reaching the best design solution,” says the design project manager Katrin Kull from Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Countryside.

Janika Nõmmela-Semjonov from tartu Art School finds the project very useful for all participants as it helps to create experiences of communicating with purpose. Young designers can have a valuable experience of working with real clients and could learn from each other as well as from clients.

Design solutions of stage two will be ready for Christmas 2017.


Līdzīgi stāsti

Piia Viljasuo no Somijas uzņem ciemos Z/S “Bētras” (TEPAT)

Sadarbībā ar Lauku partnerība “Lielupe” piedalījāmies projektā “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos”.

Devāmies pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Somiju pie saimnieces Piia Viljasuo Piian Herkut, kur apguvām prasmes kā pagatavot garšīgu marmelādi.

Katram savs sapnis, kas piepildīts!

LEADER sadarbības projekta “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos” ietvaros
2018.gada augusta sākumā, uzņēmuma Miesai un Garam pārstāvji no Lauku partnerības “Lielupe” uzņēma pie sevis un pēc tam piedalījās pieredzes apmaiņas braucienā uz Igauniju pie vietējās rīcības grupas “Green Riverland” teritorijā esošā uzņēmuma Energia Talu-Ravimtaimekeskus ja Öko-Spa.