This study visit took place in Cávado territory in the north-west of Portugal for 8 to 12 April 2019, was one of the activities of this transnational cooperation project supported under Action 10.3 – Cooperative Activities of the PDR2020 LAGs, whose objective is to disseminate principles and good practices implemented in sustainable tourism initiatives and projects, and to allow the exchange of experiences among entrepreneurs, technicians and other local actors in the various territories involved, which includes 8 Local Action Groups from four countries (Portugal, Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia).
During this period, a Seminar on “Implementation of development principles in sustainable tourism in protected areas” was also organized by ATAHCA on 10 April in Gerês National Park, with the aim of disseminating technical information and sharing good practices of general and specific interest for the various local actors involved in initiatives and projects that promote sustainability and tourism in these protected areas.
Food crafts festival invites you to explore the goods made by fifty local food producers that all come from nine regions of Zemgale.
2016. gadā šajā plānošanas periodā tika uzsākts pirmais LEADER sadarbības projekts “Ilgtspējīga uzņēmējdarbība laukos”, kurā ar vienotu vīziju par attīstītiem, konkurētspējīgiem un starptautiskai sadarbībai atvērtiem lauku uzņēmējiem, apvienojās astoņas vietējās rīcības grupas no trijām valstīm – Igaunijas (Arenduskoda, East Harju un Green Riverland), Somijas (Linnaseutu, Pirkan Helmi un Sepra) un Latvijas (Lauku partnerība “Lielupe” un Liepājas rajona partnerība).