Kodukant Läänemaa was established in 1997 to unite the rural areas of the County and to foster the development of Estonian villages. It was reorganized as an NGO in 2003.
Kodukant Läänemaa action group involves four municipalities in the West-Estonia.
Natural conditions are characteristical to the whole Kodukant Läänemaa action group region. Each municipality has on border with the sea. The length of the county’s coastline is about 400 km. The region comprises of the shallow coastal areas, reed beds, bogs and forests. About 1/3 of the territory is under nature protection. The natural environment and landscapes are unique and valuable.
Natural conditions are characteristical to the whole Kodukant Läänemaa action group region. Each municipality has on border with the sea. The length of the county’s coastline is about 400 km. The region comprises of the shallow coastal areas, reed beds, bogs and forests.
About 1/3 of the territory is under nature protection. The natural environment and landscapes are unique and valuable.
The region has long traditions of handicraft and active village movement.
Main strengths include: