The leading committee of Sustainable Entrepreneurship in countryside met on 7.-8. February in Latvian region of Jelgava in a small tourist farm Viesu Lici.
With all eight partners of the project, the status was discussed and entreprenuer exchange pairs agreed. The dates of entrepreneur exchange will be announced in March 2017. The idea of entrepreneur exchange is to enable learning from each others’ experience and possibly cooperate in some areas.
The committee had a chance to visit enterprises of Jelgava region.
First of all, berry growing farm: Betras
Enterprise, offering dried beans: Zekants Ltd
Lielvircava manor, where they celebrate and wear the dress of 19. century:
And, a shop for local produce in Jelgava Food Artisan that sells the products of 50 local entrepreneurs. The shop is also supported by local municipality. See more:
Additional information about the project: