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To homepageFood crafts festival invites you to explore the goods made by fifty local food producers that all come from nine regions of Zemgale.
This study visit took place in Cávado territory in the north-west of Portugal for 8 to 12 April 2019, was one of the activities of this transnational cooperation project supported under Action 10.3 – Cooperative Activities of the PDR2020 LAGs, whose objective is to disseminate principles and good practices implemented in sustainable tourism initiatives and projects, and to allow the exchange of experiences among entrepreneurs, technicians and other local actors in the various territories involved, which includes 8 Local Action Groups from four countries (Portugal, Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia).
Lahemaa area in Estonia got EUROPARC certificate on 2.12.2019 in Brussels.
From now on, the sustainable tourism strategy will be brought to life by Sustainable tourism project and a new Multifunctional sustainable cooperation project.
On 28.11.2019, SEIC was given the award of the best LEADER cooperation project of the year 2019. The best project prize was awarded at the Harju county traditional yearly awards event.
By the end of February, 2019, three-year international cooperation project Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Countryside has come to an end. The idea of the project was to support the cooperation between Latvian, Finnish and Estonia micro and small entrepreneurs, offering help in finding partners, study tours, design consultations, seminars and meetings.
To acknowledge and show the best Leader projects from 2014-2020, Estonian Leader Association launched a competition “Notice a Leader 2.0” in February.