
Inspiration days give entrepreneurs a chance to get infused with new energy

Inspiration Days of “Sustainable entrepreneurship in countryside” on 7.-8. February 2018 brought entrepreneurs to Arenduskoda area.


Our group met in Lauli Loovstuudio in Kadrina.

SEIC project leading commitee met in Green Riverland, Estonia

In November 2017, Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Countryside project status was discussed in Green Riverland Leader-ares in Estonia. Main topic was entrepreneur exchange.

New international project of sustainable tourism

We are glad to announce that a new international project “Implementation of sustainable tourism development principles in national park/protected area regions” has been launched.

Inspiration Days at East Harju on 17.-18. October

For SEIC entrepreneurs, Inspiration days are coming: on 17.-18. October 2017, East-Harju Partnership will organize an event, full of different activities.